So What’s In The Box?

Good question! Boxes will vary from month to month, but will always include at least one of our Juices & several prepared fermented foods from us, such as kimchi, cultured butters, & breads, as well as some wonky fermented snacks. Each Box will contain 6 to 10 super special items we are currently exploring, some that you may know, and some that are insanely innovative. Boxes may also include anything from bread, to pottery, to art, to help uplift other small businesses within our community. We will include descriptions of our process for each item in the box as well so you can follow along or try ‘em out yourself! You can check out previous boxes, as well as thei tech sheets, under the “all the juices &” tab!

How Do I Get one?

Another great question! Head on over to our store to order one! We release each month’s Box exclusively at first, before giving out the release date to the public, so sign up for our email list to be the first in the know ! As of right now, we are only offering our Box for pickup at Brassica Kitchen in Jamaica Plain (3710 Washington St) with the date & times of pickup listed in the description for each Box. If you cannot make the pickup date, simply reach out, and we are happy to figure something out with you!